
Luciano Sovena


Luciano Sovena was a lawyer specialized in entertainment and communications law and copyright and in regulations aimed at the financial relationship of film production and distribution. He promoted the creation of great artistic value and social works. He has held important institutional roles, as a member of the Film credit and Film Review Committee of the Council Presidency. He was founder of the first Euro-Mediterranean Cinematography Centre, CEO of the Instituto Luce and Cinecittà Luce and President of the Film Foundation Commission of Rome and of Lazio region. Luciano Sovena was fond of cinema: he grew his passion by taking part to Festivals and cineclubs and also to the main international markets meeting directors, authors and producers. He began his working career as a lawyer but soon he discovered his talent on film development and production, providing his legal, financial and organizational skills to support projects he deemed worthy.
Among his main productions realized at the helm of Istituto Luce and Cinecittà Luce Luciano Sovena produced or co-produced great successfully and highest award films such as “Private” by Saverio Costanzo, “Le quattro volte” by Michelangelo Frammartino, “Corpo celeste” by Alice Rohrwacher, “Sette opere di misericordia” by De Serio brothers, “Là-Bas” by Guido Lombardi, “20 sigarette” by Aureliano Amadei, “Into Paraiso” by Paola Randi, “I colori dell’anima. Modigliani” by Mick Davis and “Il mercante di Venezia” by Michael Radford. He cooperated with big actors and directors such as Al Pacino, Andy Garcia, Willem Dafoe, Michele Placido, Abel Ferrara and many others. He got several awards and recognitions for his job which include Nastri d’Argento, David di Donatello, Pardo d’Oro, Leone del Futuro and Critic’s award at the Cannes Film Festival.
As President of the Roma Lazio Film Commission he devoted himself to strenghen agreements of international co-production, acting particularly for the Regione Lazio fund, Lazio Cinema International of which he was one of the promoters.
Starting from year 2022 he was a member of the artistical management committee of the Torino Film Festival directed by Steve Della Casa as recruiter for the section Crazies dedicated to horror film,that was one of his great passion and to the cinema of fantastic. He was ironic, friendly, open to everyone. He became the reference point for the world he loved most: the cinema, which he always had in his heart and to which he dedicated his life.